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Coupled Lines

1) Equations differentiate them that they describe two coupled lines:

If we have two placed side by side microstrips, line 1 characterized from an inductance series L1dz and from one ability parallel C1dz while line 2 characterized from an inductance series Ldzand from one 2 abilities parallel C2dz, in virtue of the vicinity we will have one then mutual Mdz inductance and one mutual ability Cmdz, this by means of the theorem of Miller pu² to be subdivided on the single lines, in particular the ability parallel total of line 1 becomes while that one on line two becomes . The equation to the nodes to line 1 gives to us while that one to the nodes to line 2 door to . In analogous way from the equations to the meshes ottengono e .


2) Disaccoppiamento of the equations differentiates them that they describe two coupled lines:

The hypotheses that are made are the two following:

to)       the two lines 1 = C 2 coupled is equal that is is using onesymmetrical structure thereforeL1 = L 2 eC

b)       diagonalizziamo the system imposing to every section the variable change of , , , where arbitrarily the line over is the 1 and that one under the 2.

Replacing b) nella the and nella and adding the two obtained equations while embezzling is obtained , analogous for the tensions is gained then has e . Therefore we have obtained a system of 4 equations differentiates them disaccoppiate that it concurs us of dealing the lines like if they were separate, relative to the way even with characteristic and constant stiffness of phase and an other relative one to the way odd with characteristic and constant stiffness of phase , however in the continuation will be supposed band = bor .


3) Conditions of closing standard for a divisor to coupled lines:

We consider 2 coupled lines in which to door 1 it is applied to a generator of having tension largeness impressa 2V and inner stiffness Z0 while all the other doors are sluices on one stiffness Z0. The conditions of closing to the section of income 1 are e in which replacing the expressions for the disaccoppiamento , , , obtain e . Analogous the conditions of closing to the escape section are e in which replacing the expressions for the disaccoppiamento , , , obtain e .

These disaccoppiate equations being concur to us of separately dealing the Even line and linens to Odd.


4) Equations of plan for a divisor to lines coupled in closing conditions standard:

We consider the single Even line in how much the closing conditions standard taxes on the divisor have concurred of disaccoppiare the equations, draft of a log of line with transmission matrix , fixing hour Jand = Jor = /2 J =p the matrix is simplified remarkablly and obtains the two equations , that replaced in the condition draft from the closing to section 1 give back to having place . is had then, e . It turns out you for the Odd line are obtained replacing and with or in the found equations.

5) Condition of adaptation for directional couplers and expressions of the tensions to the doors according to Z0and, Z0or:

Adaptation is had if , replacing e and being , e , , is reached the relation that concurs to write the largenesses to the lines Even and Odd in simpler shape, in particular is had:

; ; ;

; ; ; .

Replacing in the expressions of the tensions , is had that it is logical inasmuch as we had a generator from 2V and we have tax the adaptation condition, where C is the connection factor and usually comes expressed in dB, that is to door 2 marks them exits sfasato of 90°.


6) Parameters of scattering of 2 lines coupled in closing conditions standard and realization coupler to 3dB:

It is necessary to observe that all the doors are adapted therefore S11 = S22 = S33 = S44 = 0 in how much the reflected wave are null, must then be had S12 = S21 = S34 = S43 = , moreover S23 = S32 = S41 = S14 = , finally ha

S31 = S13 = S24 = S42 =. In order to obtain a coupler to 3dB it is simply necessary to impose ž .


7) Meant of the ways Even and Odd in the case of lines coupled Stripline type:

Two plans of mass are had separate to you from a dielectric in which they are dipped two conductors, we then choose a system of reference x,y regarding which the structure is symmetrical, we separately analyze to the Even way and the Odd way.

For the way Even we place Vor = 0 of it derive that V1 = V2 = Vand therefore in the symmetry point you must be a maximum or a minimum of upgrades them pertanto follows some that the symmetry plan is equivalent to one ideal magnetic wall. In analogous way for the Odd way we place Vand = 0, we obtain V1 = Vor e V2 = - Vor therefore in the symmetry plan upgrade them must be cancelled with to its derivative therefore the symmetry plan are equivalent to one wall ideal electrical worker.


8) Coupler of Lange:

Much width is a coupler characterized from a band, approximately eighth, is constituted from finger of various length, in particular those courts is l/4 to the higher frequencies while those long ones are l/4 to the lower frequencies. One characteristic important is that the model that has been developed works perfectly however is of the difficulties to realize couplers to 3dB with this geometry.


9) Matrix of transmission for lines sluices coupled on an open:

In order to calculate the transmission matrix we pass for the Z matrix, in particular we consider two coupled lines of transmission, with marks them that the 1 while door 4 is sluice on an open, other enters to the door with marks them that enters to door 2 while door 3 is sluice also it on an open.

Imposing the condition of closing to income section 0 is obtained that while imposing the condition of closing to escape the J section it obtains that . Replacing is had and .

From these e can be obtained.


10) Matrix of transmission of the commensurato filter:

In order to calculate the transmission matrix we pass for the Z matrix, in particular we consider two coupled lines of transmission, with it marks them that she enters to door 1 and she exits from door 2 while the other to door 3 is sluice on a short circuit while to door 4 it is sluice on an open, evidently the behavior will be of type lowpass .

Imposing the condition of closing to income section 0 is obtained that while imposing the condition of closing to escape the J section it obtains that . Replacing is had

and . From these , can be obtained while in order to gain B we leave from therefore .